What happens to the human body when you stop smoking? What happens if you stop abruptly? How to help yourself? Stages of lung recovery, the diary of a former smoker and the consequences of a long-term habit in men and women.
16 November 2023
The procedure for getting rid of nicotine addiction and positive changes in the body during the day when quitting smoking.
8 February 2022
What changes occur in the body when quitting smoking, the impact of smoking on health, harm to tobacco combustion products, what will happen to a person, what happens to the body, is it safe to give up cigarettes after 40 years, conclusion.
18 January 2021
How to quit smoking on your own, how smoking affects health, smoking addiction, how to overcome the urge to smoke, what else will help quit smoking, how to quit smoking on your own - folk methods, conclusion.
18 January 2021
Allen Carr's Book An Easy Way To Quit Smoking, Book Basics, Who And Why Reading Allen Carr's Book Helps, Why Allen Carr's Book Is Worth Buying.
17 January 2021